Sunday, July 10, 2005

Straight guys and soap

What's the matter with straight guys and soap. What's wrong with that. I mean, why can't they undestand that they STINK!?! Good lord.

What do they think, that they'll become the metro-queer type that they're so scared to look like? I think that girls would be the first to avoid them, if they smell like ...gosh, don't make me say that.

It's summer, of course u sweat, everybody does, but everybody's using soap, too! Gosh.

Soaping yours,


D said...
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D said...

I have to say, a huge turn-off is b.o. Men can use soap without any added fragrance and still maintain the feeling being masculine.

Some Random Girl said...

Isn't it gross when people don't wash up? especially really big people and it's not just men either. at least not in America....

Anonymous said...

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