So i went out with a new guy tonight.
It hasn't happened in a while, because of many things, mostly cause of other new guys that had recently appeared in my life..that seem to have found someone else over than me.
So i guess i don't have to worrie not to go out with some other new guy...u know, i was doubtful because when someone has feelings for you and you say you can't really give them back to him, well, it's a little oakward to get in the dating game again. Cause u know he still has feelings for you.
But he's moving on, so why shouldn't i do the same? So i met with this guy...he's studing architecture, and it's quite an intellectual type...tho he's kinda funny and smart, and yeah, deadly cute..
well, not deadly, but cute enough to me. He has such a wonderful pair of eyes, so blue, and they were wide open tonight while they were looking at me.
I, of course, was funny as always. Maybe more funny that the average, cause i keep repeating myself not to be bitchy but to try to make him comfortable. And i guess i get some results,cause he kissed me 3 times to say goodbye...on the cheek, of course. And then other 2 times. I guess he wanted to kiss me...he incidentally touched me while we were walking to his home, and made some talks about carpe diem and stuff...well, we'll have a reprise :D I guess..
And, on the other hand, another guy i like -the one that is dead to me!- come back into my life and i crushed for him again...since he says he already has a boyfriend, and he's sorry he didn't tell me before...he's always the same, because people don't change...people never change. Screw him, i'm gonna have sex with him anyway. A silly boyfriend won't stop me. MHHWHAAHAHA.
I do am back in the game.
8 years ago
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
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